Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011

Cancel LD

I don't like the game I made so I decided to cancel the competition. I had a lot to do this week and need a few relaxed hours.

The good thing is: I have a game engine now and learned a lot. In the next LD I will be prepared much better. Good night.

Halftime of day two

I don't know what I get done until ludum dare finishes. But I'm sure there will be no music or sound because I need this time for story mode.

I have a demo on

Samstag, 17. Dezember 2011

Day 1 nearly finished

Day 1 of Ludum Dare 22 will end soon and I think my game is far enough to get it finished. All the core programing stuff is nearly done. What do we have?

  • Tiled background which can be leaded by an image. Translation between pixel color and tile is done by a mapping table so I'm very flexible.
  • Sprites (not yet animated) can move around and have collision detecton implemented.
  • Background and foreground are repeated images which have a delay to the camera position so we have a 3d-effect
  • Keyboard input and action system is implemented so we can easily add new features.

And what are our todos?

  • Of course, there must be a really cute and stupid story. I will do this now.
  • Sprite animation.
  • Sequence function for story mode.
  • Cute and stupid paintings for character, tiles and story.
  • Sound and music :).
You can play the current version at

Wrote Simple Code

OK, very slowly I create a game engine. I have the base classes for level handling but there is a lot to do. For now I can show you a screenshot where I display an image in a canvas.

Most of the time I play around with IntelliJ Idea settings :)

You can see the code on github: I really like the git and github integration of IntelliJ Idea and this is the first time i like a version control implementation in an IDE.

And now I need some coffee :)

It begins...

Good morning everyone. It's 11AM and I will start ludum dare now. My timelaps script already runs in the background so I can generate a game development video again :).

Theme is: alone. It's hard to find a concept which is not a horror game. A story will be hard to find because alone implies that only one person is there.

The two weeks before the last Ludum Dare started I watched the Harald Schmidt Show all day long so I was mentally trained to create a funny story. This time I prepared a presentation about compiling for multiscalar cpus :). So it's a bit different this time.

This time I will use IntelliJ Idea, Coffeescript and will create a html5 game.

Anyway, lets start!

PS: 3:0!!! FC Bayern is Herbstmeister!!!

Freitag, 16. Dezember 2011

LD22 will start soon

Nice, Ludum Dare #22 will start in 7 hours and I did no warmup this week. Still I will join the Ludum Dare but I don't expect to be one of the top 25 in any category.

This time I will create a html5 game and program it in coffeescript. So there is no need to download anything (expect a good browser - IE 7 will not work, IE 8 maybe). Again it is the first time I use this technology.

I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

Installing Coffeescript on Windows 7

Today I tried to install coffeescript under Windows 7 and it took hours!  I always tried to install node.js using mingw and python.  So I spent time by installing all the tools (compiler, python, git).  Then the Makefile tried to create a directory which contains an backslash but Windows doesn't like that.
Now I found out, there is a windows version for Node.js so I installed it, started cmd.exe and typed
C:\blabla> npm install -g coffee-script
and OMG, IT WORKED!!!   Hours! I spent hours and it was so easy! At least I have a bit to play with three.js to be prepared for Ludum Dare #22.