Montag, 23. April 2012

LD23 Done

Hello everyone,

Yesterday I finished at midnight. As I said, it's something special just a athletic's foot simulation :).

You can find it here:

You can watch both timelapse here:


Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Timelapse video Day1

After two hours I could upload a fully funcational timelapse video of day1:

Maybe I should redesign my blog style to have enough space for these embedded youtube videos :)

Samstag, 21. April 2012


Now there are some facts for the game.

Gametype: Strategy and Economy Simulation
Stupidity: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

For now sprite animation works, I actually painted some sprites. But yet, there is no game logic, so I can't even release an alpha version. This night there will be one. To get more inspiration I watched South Park, so you should not eat when you play the game later :).

And please, don't expect too much.

Freitag, 20. April 2012

Yeah! Painting!

I already painted an image:

Ludum Dare 23

Hello everyone,

Ludum Dare 23 has begun four hours ago. Theme is "Tiny World". I think I voted against this theme :).

Lets create another stupid game! :) :)


Freitag, 10. Februar 2012

Mini LD 32

I really like the theme of the next Mini LD. You should create as much games you can in just 48 hours. No rules, no quality, just quantity. It's such a stupid concept, I just have to like it :).

Mini LD 32, I'm coming!


Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012

WGame documentation

Today I made some documentation. So I can get an overview again and it's easy for other programmer to use the library. I discovered that the most parts of the code are separated by model, view and controller.

One very bad class is the sprite class. This one does everything, animate, walk(including colision detection) and store data for position. That's not the right way I think. Delegates will solve this problem.

Samstag, 4. Februar 2012

WGame: Preparing for next Ludum Dare

Because I didn't finish the last Ludum Dare game I modified the code a bit so I get a game library for HTML5. This library will be called WGame and hosted on

Check it out at

The current features are:

  • Layers
    • Scrollable background or foregrond image
    • Sprite Layer
    • Tile layer
  • Actions and action tables to connect code and triggers/input...
  • nearly working leveleditor
  • Sequences with different layers for story mode
  • Sprite animation

All painting is done in a canvas right now. I try to impove it much more to get a handy game engine and so I will finish the next game on Ludum Dare :).

The source code is published unter the LGPL Version 3.